The Resource Center

Everything you need to know about eCommerce, retention, and loyalty programs.
Guides, resources, and more!
Guides, resources, and more!
eBook: Build a rewards program like the world's best


Our eBook library is stocked with a selection to help you succeed in setting up, maintaining, and optimizing your reward program strategy.
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Case Studies

See examples of how businesses have found success using to power their reward programs.
See All Case Studies
Case Study: Topps, How rewards encouraged a 48% increase in customer lifetime value
Industry Guide: How to build a rewards program in apparel

Industry Guides

We have launched rewards programs in almost every industry! Here are some "how to" guides to help you build the best program for your industry.
See All Industry Guides

Research Papers

What we are seeing in the world of reward programs based on data from our live programs.
See All Research Papers
Research Paper: The true profitability of repeat customers online